Information & Forms

Effective March 1st, 2022, colleges within the Community College System of New Hampshire will charge $5.00 per transcript.

Transcripts do not need to be sent to other CCSNH colleges.

All seven colleges within the Community College System of NH (Great Bay, Lakes Region, Manchester, Nashua, NHTI, River Valley, White Mountains) can view all grades from within the system. Please contact your campus to let them know you have grades from another CCSNH college or colleges.

E-Transcript Requests

The fastest, most efficient way to order your GBCC transcript is by requesting an E-Transcript by filling out the form below. 

Paper Transcript Requests

Paper transcripts will be needed for the following:

• Students looking for GBCC transcripts for coursework completed prior to 1992

• Transcripts for non-credit coursework

• Unofficial transcripts (available at no charge)

• For those who need to send an attachment along with transcripts to the requestor

To request a paper transcript, fill out the form below.


If you have any questions about requesting your transcript, please contact the Registrar’s Office at